Chasing Joy
Hello from the past, y'all! I'm writing this in the early days of January 2013, full of the whimsy and hope of a new year - the kind that makes you feel like anything is possible, and that you're DEFINITELY going to succeed at achieving all your goals, and you are FOR SURE not going to fail. I felt this year needed a shove in the right direction, so I made a list of things (big and small) that I hope to do/accomplish/experience in 2013. Many are part of my commitment to The Year of Why Not? and, as I write today in January, there are things on this list that seem impossible. But here we go. I've added a few things throughout the year, but nothing has been deleted. Shtuff just got real, y'all. I'm publishing my successes and failures for all the Interwebs to see. Please don't judge me. In 2013... 1. Find a church home and group of people to live life with - and then get up in each other's bidness (in a good, making-me-better kind of way) - This cam...